I'm a software engineer turned developer relations engineer currently focussed on web3. I write a combination of opinion pieces of trends in the space and detailed tutorials to create real apps!
This is an opinionated guide to becoming a web3 developer in 2023. I'll outline the exact steps that I personally took to land a role as a developer...
Ever wanted to store a piece of information on-chain but keep it a secret until later? In this quick post, we'll explore the commit-reveal scheme and...
In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the process of setting up Coinbase Smart Wallet inside a front-end application. By the end of the tutorial,...
As part of Ethereum's rollup-centric roadmap, rollups are taking away the heavy lifting from Ethereum and scaling its throughput by orders of...
This guide will show you how to build your own indexer for an EVM-compatible blockchain such as Ethereum, Polygon Proof of Stake, and more! By the...
In this guide, I'll show you how you can create and operate your very own blockchain. More specifically, we'll walk through the process of creating a...